The Difference
We developed three core factors that will set us apart from other eco-villages and sustainable houses around the world.
Ecologically Sustainable Housing
Lower/reduce carbon footprints on the environment through materials and technology systems.
Modern Westcoast Architecture Design
Contemporary architecture that incorporates geometric shapes and materials based on the Westcoast Style.
Community Living
Co-op structure and independent living which is ruled by defined strata, where residents/visitors contribute a certain amount of time towards future
growth within the community.
Water Collection System
Develop a rainwater catch system where it can be applied towards a wastewater infrastructure (treatment, distribution, and collection) to accommodate the future growth of Sustainable Settlers.
Tsunami Proof
Careful consideration was made to hold the utmost safety due to Tofino’s tsunami hazard zone. Our design guideline includes a 20 meters high building structure to be used as a place of refuge during an emergency.
Energy & Heat
Designing with renewable energy in mind, application of solar energy with photovoltaic systems in the summer season. During the winter months, the secondary renewable energy source would be derived from wind energy.